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  • Ya tuve asesoría, estoy tomando Lactana y no veo resultados...

    Ya tuve asesoría, estoy tomando Lactana y no veo resultados...

    Ale Himes, consultora y coach en Lactancia IBCLC, nos ayuda a con algunos tips para revisar que puede estar pasando si ya tomé asesoría con alguna asesora, están tomando Lactana...

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  • ¿Cuándo es el momento ideal de para dejar de dar pecho a mi bebé?

    ¿Dejar de dar pecho?

    Desde hace algún tiempo he estado pensando en dejarle de dar pecho a mi hija que acaba de cumplir 18 meses, pero la verdad estoy muy indecisa. Algunos días estoy...

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    Humanized Childbirth by Dr. Nirdosh Kohra

    Remember, your body knows. Humanized birth What does it mean? How to get pregnant consciously? What can help to have an easy and harmonious pregnancy? What helps for a more...

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  • lista de compras para la llegada de bebe Lactana

    Shopping list for your baby's arrival

    Sometimes the arrival of a baby, especially when it is the first, can come with many doubts and confusion. I remember the day they gave me 5 different shopping lists...

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  • ¿Dejar de dar pecho? Lactancia Materna - Blog Lactana

    Stop breastfeeding?

    For some time now I have been thinking about stopping breastfeeding my daughter who just turned 18 months old, but the truth is I am very undecided. Some days I...

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  • lo que nadie te dice del post-parto Lactana blog

    What no one tells you about postpartum

    First of all, I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this way, because if I were, it would mean that I am very complicated and ungrateful, although I...

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  • la lactancia vista desde la paternidad - Lactana Blog

    Breastfeeding seen from parenthood

    Hello! I am Jonathan, husband of Maria, one of the founders of Lactana. I want to share with you a little about my experience as a dad during the breastfeeding...

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  • La llegada del segundo bebé Lactana blog

    The arrival of the second baby

    Hello! I recently shared the story of pregnancy and birth of my second baby. Something that caught their attention was that I mentioned that I had a “mini grief” about...

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  • Lactancia con triates Lactana blog

    Breastfeeding with triates

    Breastfeeding with triates By Monica Rubio Today I sat down with Mayela and Fernanda to talk about their breastfeeding experience when their babies Marcelo, David and Fernando were born. I...

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  • Lactancia Prolongada Lactana Blog

    "Prolonged" breastfeeding

    Prolonged breastfeeding is breastfeeding that has not been interrupted over time. Usually this term is used when lactation lasts more than one year. In fact, I didn't know this, but...

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  • Mi embarazo en el extranjero - Lactana Blog

    My pregnancy abroad

    By Monica Rubio I have been living in the United States for a short time and a few months ago I had the great news that my husband and I...

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  • Hora de oro - Lactana Blog

    Golden, Golden or Sacred Hour?

    By María Zerecero Some of you may already know what it means, but for me it was something I learned when I had my second baby , a girl. For...

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